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Monday, June 4, 2012

Three crafts I did today!

Clearly, I'm not a very good blogger. But that's okay. So here are three things I just made!

So I went to a garage sale yesterday and I hit the freaking jackpot! I got Battleship, Operation, Boggle and a bunch of board-game pieces including life pieces, marbles, tokens, Scrabble Words tiles, and Spirographs! So this is a wire-wrapped spirograph necklace I just made with one of my great finds.

Sorry about the poor photo quality!

Below, is one of my more inspired ideas, if I do say so myself. So I had this 10 pack of sprinkles a while back and Zachary got into them and poured them all out on the floor and made pretty rainbow piles... in the basement. So I had to throw away all of my sprinkles. BUT I saved the containers cause they were too cute to throw away! And Jason just gave me that blank stare which says, "You're keeping MORE trash?" Anyway, today, in a sudden moment of inspiration, I emptied a bag of crimp beads into each one (one's tubes, one's circles). I flipped it upside down and shook it and nothing came out. So I shook it again, harder, and one popped out. The second time I tried, two came out. But it's great! I don't have to dig to try to grab just one or worry about them flying out everywhere or tipping over a tiny bag! Pretty exciting stuff.

My final project today was this super cute bathroom organizer. I first came across the idea on Pinterest. Click this link to see the original one, made with metal plates and glass taper holders, all from the Dollar Store. I went to Michael's for my supplies, I really wanted it to be cutesy. In the summer section they had these great plastic plates, the adorable hot pink margarita glass and the glass, pink, flowery candle holder. Plus they had the E6000 I used to glue everything together. (By the way, I highly recommend all of the products in the picture, feel free to message me for more info.)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My grandma

So I've been talking about my grandma in a few posts and I mentioned that I have been to art fairs with her but I didn't explain any further! OH NO! So I thought I would share. My grandma is a potter from West Virginia, she's been doing it for years! She has been on the news and in the papers and she even had a piece used on an episode of X-Files back in the day! It's pretty awesome. The name of her business is Hannah's Pottery, she has a shop in her backyard and she also sells online. Please check her out!

So have you heard about Zentangle?

My grandma just sent me a link the other day to this website devoted to a particular kind of drawing called, Zentangle. It's REALLY cool! As she put it, "It's like the yoga of drawing."

So after looking through a bunch of Zentangle pictures, I got inspired and drew my first Zentangle, it's kind of weird and creepy but hey, I like it!

Back to School

I am a college student and this semester I have a 1 hour break from noon to one and on another day of school I have a THREE hour break from three to six! So obviously, being at school all day I'm going to get hungry. I've perused the internet to find some delicious Adult Sack Lunches for myself and thought, most people have to buy or take a lunch for work as well so why not share!? Here's what I've found.

These bacon and cheese muffins look AWESOME and they'd be easy to make and take for several days as breakfast on the way, snacks in between or I could eat a whole bunch for lunch!

In elementary school, they used to have Walking Tacos which were pretty much the coolest thing since sliced bread. I actually had these again at my Grandma's art show a few years, they called them taco-in-a-bag. Diana Rambles just calls it Frito Taco Salad but it is DELICIOUS! For a great lunch version, especially if you're eating on the go, pack half a bag of fritos in your lunch with all the ingredients on the side. When you're ready to eat, dump the ingredients in the bag and enjoy!

When I was a kid, I used to LOVE lunchables! Mom would let me pick one or two every week so I could take them to school with me (of course, this was back when they still came with sodas, woohoo!). Kids Meal Crowd came up with a brilliant way to do homemade lunchables that are even seperated out like the real thing! This would be great for kids and adults alike and I could pack a soda in the lunchbox with it so I can go back to the good ole days! lol

I'm thinking of adding some chicken salad, pasta salad, gourmet sandwiches, egg salad sandwiches, leftovers, bags of cereal and bagels (my school has a toaster and FREE butter) to this list and I should be a  pretty happy girl!

Over at I'm Frugal, they've composed a nice long list of sack lunch ideas, in case you still need some more.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cool Vintage Printables

I just came across this website called Visual Editors where they have created vintage ads for current products! These are super cool and I can think of lots of fun projects to use these for.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Valentine's Day

You will soon find out, I am completely obsessed with Valentine's day. Hearts are pretty much my favorite thing ever so, as you can imagine, I have a field day with the decorations. Not only do I make/buy tons of decorations but most of the time, they're an all year long thing for me.

I love deviled eggs, they are just de-friggin'-licious. So when I came across this super cute heart shaped deviled egg tutorial on Pinterest, I about crapped my pants. (just kidding) Not to mention, I'm pretty horrible in the kitchen so the fact that these are super easy, just made my day.

This cute LoVe pillow from Etsy seller, NestaHome, is absolutely to die for. I could do that, right?

Attention to Detail Blog has some of the most creative wrapping ideas I've ever seen and this beautiful weaved ribbon would be absolutely perfect for a Valentine's Day gift. *hint hint Jason*

These coasters are AMAZING! I actually did something similar to these. I made pretty much all of my Christmas gifts and my major obsession for all of the girls was epoxy resin. In several of my molds, I stuck these little conversation hearts inside and they turned out super cute. Anyway, back to topic, these conversation heart coasters from Paper, Plate and Plane rock!

I don't know what it is about these silly little hearts on sticks from Etsy seller, Sewn Natural, but they are so stinkin' cute and I NEED to make some!

Some more adorable little hearts on sticks from Revlie, the pictures on their site aren't showing up for me so the picture will take you to may take you to my Pinterest, sorry.

These Valentine's Day Arm Warmers made from socks out of the Target dollar bins are amazing and if I could just find a sewing machine, I think I could even make them!!! (I can't sew) Thanks for the cute idea Alisa Burke!

I will be posting MANY more Valentine's Day ideas, hope you enjoy!

Pinterest Picks of the Day

After perusing Pinterest for a little while (4 hours) today, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite pins. By the way, if anyone is interested, my Pinterest page is

Up first is some awesome Homemade Eye Makeup Remover from Frugally Sustainable. Super easy instructions and SOOO cheap!

This hodgepodge of furniture would be absolutely perfect for a little craft nook for me! It's too cute and I LOVE the purple! I would definitely feel inspired crafting it up here.

These candy jars from This Old Chair are TOO STINKIN' CUTE! And super cheap. I am betting I could get the candle sticks and the jars at the dollar store, too!

Next up, I am in love with the crazy nail art I've been seeing all over Pinterest! I've seen everything under the sun from water marbling to this cool newspaper print from Beauty and a Baby!

Last but not least, for today, probably the coolest money card I've ever seen. I am completely obsessed with this blog, Older and Wisor; she makes the most beautiful and unique presents I've ever seen.

That's all for now folks! Happy crafting!

My First Blog

After obsessing over many other blogs for years now and becoming addicted to Pinterest, I decided it is finally time for me to start up my own. This will primarily be a craft blog, with other bits of daily life sneaking their way in, I'm sure.
I am into weird crafts, as I so fondly refer to them. I love to reuse trash and find cool projects that make my friends and family say, "How did you think of that!?" (my response is usually, "Pinterest!") My boyfriend gets highly irritated with my "craft supply" hoarding but I can't help it! He really loved when we were trying to fit all of our stuff into a too-small-U-Haul (by the way, we had to leave some stuff behind) and I insisted that my 3 boxes of empty wine bottles simply could not be abandoned.
So as this is my first blog, please bare with me as I get my bearings and try to enjoy!